DOC announces next step for reclassification of stewardship land
DOC has launched a discussion document on proposed law changes to make the process for reclassifying and disposing of stewardship land more efficient and effective.
Feedback is being sought on:
- Improving consistency of public notification and submission processes.
- Enabling the national panels to carry out the public notification and submission process.
- Clarifying responsibilities for making recommendations to reclassify stewardship land to national park.
- Removing the statutory step to declare all stewardship land to be held for conservation purposes before it can be reclassified or disposed of.
- Enabling the Minister of Conservation to direct the proceeds of sale of stewardship land to DOC.
- Clarifying the status of concessions on reclassified stewardship land.
Visit the stewardship land reclassification consultation page for more information on the discussion document. Submissions close Friday 18 March 2022.
Along with the proposed legislative changes, it has been confirmed Ngāi Tahu cultural values and interests will be captured in the reclassification process through the addition of a Ngāi Tahu mana whenua panel to work with two national panels.
The Ngāi Tahu-appointed mana whenua panel will provide the national panels information on mahika kai (natural resources practices), mātauranga Māori (knowledge) and other Ngāi Tahu interests in relation to stewardship land within its takiwā.