NZ commits to a just transition to low carbon future


The Minister of Climate Change James Shaw says New Zealand has joined a range of other countries and committed to a just transition to a low carbon future.

The International Just Transition Declaration, launched  at COP26 in Glasgow, acknowledges that countries must respond to the climate crisis in a way that is fair to everyone.

“The global transition to a low carbon future needs to be a fair and equitable transition that leaves no community, no family, and no person behind,” James Shaw said.

“The way previous Governments have managed periods of economic change in New Zealand has left too many families and vulnerable communities behind. This time has to be different."

“The Emissions Reduction Plan we publish next year will set out how we will transition to a low carbon future in a just, inclusive and equitable way. That means transition planning with business, unions, iwi, and affected communities at the table; accessible education and training opportunities; support for working families; and making sure we fully understand the distributional impacts of climate policies on population groups."

A copy of the International Just Transition Declaration is available here.

There are 15 signatories to declaration: EU Commission, UK, USA, Canada, Poland, Spain, New Zealand, Norway, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Italy and Belgium.


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