Draft advice consultation submissions now live
The Climate Change Commission has published submissions received during consultation on Ināia tonu nei: a low emissions future for Aotearoa.
More than 15,400 submissions were received during the nationwide consultation (1 February – 28 March 2021) on the draft advice to government outlining how Aotearoa can reach its climate targets.
Some submitters did not consent to their submission being published, these have been excluded. Other submissions will have some information redacted - for example, personal or commercially sensitive information.
Submissions received by email and mail have been published directly on the website. Submissions received via the online Have Your Say portal will be published there and linked to through the Commission's website.
In total 14,463 individual submissions were received, 901 submissions from organisations, and 39 submissions from Iwi/Māori.
4,247 submissions were received via the Have Your Say portal, 11,118 submissions were received via email, and 39 submissions were sent through the post.
The Commission's first advice Ināia tonu nei: a low emissions future for Aotearoa can be viewed here.