2021 Awards Report

RMLA Technical Documentation Award

The purpose of this award is to recognise technical documentation which makes a significant contribution to the development of the practice of resource management and/or exhibits innovation and excellence in the technical approach used.

The award this year went to Boffa Miskell and Auckland Council for the Ecological Connectivity Strategies for the significant contribution of the Strategies to the practice of resource management and for innovation and excellence in its technical approach

RMLA Publication Award

This award is occasionally made for publications which make a significant contribution to the advancement of best resource management practice. They can be an academic, technical or other industry journals at the discretion of the subcommittee. The criteria include:

  1. Whether the publication has clearly demonstrated exceptional research and/or teaching performance;

  2. Whether the publication or project made a major contribution to the profession of resource management;

  3. Whether the publication demonstrates best current knowledge or practice;

  4. Whether the publication makes significant contribution to the wider understanding of resource management, including an understanding by the general public; and

  5. Whether it employs innovative techniques and methods of merit.

This year’s award went to Dr Deidre Koolen-Bourke and Raewyn Peart for Conserving Nature: Conservation Reform Issues Paper, for a significant contribution to the advancement and understanding of current conservation issues in NZ for consideration and application across a wide range of professions

RMLA Projects Award

This award is occasionally made for projects which make a significant contribution to the development of best practice in the implementation of the RMA’s purpose and principles.

The criteria include:

  1. Whether the project complied with all relevant provisions of the RMA;

  2. Whether the supporting documentation complied with Schedule 4 of the RMA;

  3. Whether the project demonstrated appropriate consultation practice, both with iwi and the community;

  4. Whether the project demonstrates fairness between activities;

  5. Whether the project has all the relevant mitigation mechanisms applied;

  6. Was the supporting documentation suitable for its target audience;

  7. Was best practice and current knowledge applied to effects; and

  8. Were any innovative techniques and methods of merit used.

The Project award went to Watercare, Te Taniwha oo Waikato and Beca for the Waikato R2R, for its collaborative approach and significant contribution to the advancement of best practice and implementation of the RMA

Regional Award 2021

This year’s Regional award goes to Melissa McGrath and Robert Burgoyne, Whangarei District Council and their team for their work on the Urban & Services Plan Changes to the Whangarei District Plan over a significant period on a matter of critical importance to the region

RMLA Outstanding Person Award

The Outstanding Person this year was awarded to Associate Professor Caroline Miller for her outstanding contribution to the law, theory and practice of resource management

RMLA Principal Judge R J Bollard Lifetime Commemorative Award

This is an award to recognise an individual’s outstanding services to the RMLA profession over the course of a lifetime or career. It is not an annual award but is expected to be presented to exceptional individuals.

This award went to the Judge Laurie Newhook for his outstanding lifetime services and contribution to the advancement of resource management and environmental law in NZ and securing the place of the Environment Court within the NZ judicial system


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