Ruakura Inland Port development vital infrastructure for Waikato

The Government is investing $40 million to develop an inland port at Ruakura which will become a freight super-hub and a future business, research and residential development for the Waikato.The funding has been has been allocated out of the $3 billion the Government earmarked for shovel ready infrastructure projects to help get New Zealanders into work following COVID-19.It is made up of a $20 million grant to Hamilton City Council and a $20 million loan to Tainui Group Holdings to assist with the funding and financing of the road and water infrastructure. Ports of Tauranga, Tainui and the Council are co-investing another $150 million so the project can start immediately.Construction of the inland port will create 250 jobs, with more jobs to be created through support for the port and logistics operations.Transport Minister Phil Twyford says all the consenting processes for the Ruakura development are in place and the projects are designed and ready to start.Read about the Ruakura Inland Port


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