Climate Change Commission - Consultation

The Climate Change Commissions' first package of advice will be open for consultation from 1 February to 16 March 2021 and will outline what climate action could look like in Aotearoa.

This package contains four discrete pieces of work. They are:

  • The country’s first three emissions budgets covering the period until 2035.
  • Advice that will form Aotearoa’s first emissions reduction plan to show how the emissions budgets can be achieved.
  • Advice on what potential reductions in biogenic methane might be needed in the future.
  • A review of Aotearoa’s first Nationally Determined Contribution under the Paris Agreement.

This advice will be provided to the Minister for Climate Change in May 2021 with an adoption date of 31 December 2021.

They will start formal consultation on 1 February of that year.



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