EECA’s roadmap to get businesses off fossil fuels

EECA’s Energy Transition Accelerator (ETA) has been bolstered with a panel of expert providers who will work with some of New Zealand’s largest energy users to get them off fossil fuels and reaping the benefits of energy efficiency.

The ETA programme was launched to enable our largest energy users – those that emit more than 10,000 tonnes of carbon emissions per annum - to take a leading role in New Zealand’s low carbon future. Most of these emissions come from fossil-fuelled process heat. Businesses use 51% of New Zealand’s energy – excluding transport – and generate 42% of our energy-related emissions, so decarbonising industrial processes will have a huge, positive, impact.

It is part of EECA’s wider Gen Less work to promote clean and clever energy solutions in order to take positive action on climate change. In 2019, EECA research revealed 74% of businesses think they have a moral duty to minimise their impact on the environment, and that 88% of New Zealanders want business to do more about it.

Organisations eligible for the ETA will be among New Zealand’s largest energy users with high energy-related carbon emissions from the private sector, and energy-intensive public sector agencies including government, hospitals and universities.  Find out more, including eligibility and how to apply on the Energy Transition Accelerator section, under  funding and support on EECA's business website.


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