Major investment in infrastructure projects

The COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund has set aside $3 billion to fund infrastructure projects across the country. This is in addition to the Government’s $12b New Zealand Upgrade Programme and Provincial Growth Fund infrastructure investments.

Budget 2020 and the COVID Response and Recovery Fund will inject fresh capital, confidence and jobs into our economic recovery as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Ministers will soon decide which projects to progress and consider advice from the Infrastructure Industry Reference Group which has received a total of 1924 submissions across approximately 40 sectors with a combined value of $136b.

“In just a few short weeks, the IRG, through Crown Infrastructure Partners, has been able to collate the largest ever infrastructure and construction stocktake the nation has ever seen,” Shane Jones said.

“The IRG expects to deliver its report to Ministers in the coming weeks and will advise us on potential packages in different regions across the country in the sectors we as a Government wish to prioritise the most including water, transport, housing, environment and health."


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