Joint Action Plan on Primary Sector Emissions

The Joint Action Plan on Primary Sector Emissions (He Waka Eke Noa) is an innovative partnership to reduce primary sector emissions.

In late 2019, the Government committed to joining forces with the primary sector and iwi/Māori to equip farmers and growers with the knowledge and tools they need to reduce emissions while continuing to sustainably produce quality food and fibre products for domestic and international markets.

This includes collaboration on the detailed development of an appropriate farm gate emissions pricing mechanism by 2025.Through the Joint Action Plan for Primary Sector Emissions (based on the document He Waka Eke Noa [PDF, 171 KB] published in July 2019), we are working toward all farmers and growers:

  • including the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions and adaptation to climate change in their farm business and environment plans by 2025
  • calculating their greenhouse gas emissions sources and sinks and being incentivised to take actions on climate change through the development of an appropriate pricing mechanism for emissions by 2025.

BWO prevented from leaving Tui oil field


Emissions report shows progress, and the work ahead