Our Freshwater 2020 report released

The Ministry for the Environment and Stats NZ have released Our freshwater 2020, the latest in the series of reports on the state of our environment.It builds on information that has been presented in previous reports, adding some new and updated data and more analysis to explore the most significant issues affecting freshwater today.As a nation, we care deeply about our freshwater. Māori tribal identity is linked to freshwater with each water body having its own mauri (life force). Great care must be taken in managing human impacts on freshwater.This report can help us understand how the way we live affects our freshwater, and provides evidence to decide where we want to make changes.You can find the full report, summary and media release for Our freshwater 2020 hereIf you want to look further into the data you can find more detail on the Stats NZ’s indicator webpages.


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