Local leadership at forefront of regeneration work

A Bill aimed at accelerating the return of regeneration activities in Christchurch to local leadership has been introduced into Parliament.

The Greater Christchurch Regeneration Amendment Bill seeks to amend the Greater Christchurch Regeneration Act 2016 by removing the extraordinary powers no longer required and returning regeneration matters to local leadership.

It also provides for the early disestablishment of Crown-Council entity Regenerate Christchurch and extends the time Land Information New Zealand has to reconfigure land titles in the Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor (the former red zone).

“As we approach nine years since the February 2011 earthquake in Canterbury, and with the transition to local leadership well under way, the timing is right to return ongoing business as usual regeneration responsibilities to local leadership,’’ says Greater Christchurch Regeneration Minster Megan Woods.

“This is about supporting Christchurch to thrive through removing some of the Crown’s extraordinary powers that have been in place under the Act and making changes so that decisions on regeneration matters are made at a local level.”

If passed, most changes in the Bill will come into effect towards the middle of this year.


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