Consultation opens on review of Crown Minerals Act

A review of the Crown Minerals Act 1991 to ensure it supports the long-term well-being of New Zealanders has been launched.

Review of Crown Minerals Act 1991 discussion document and consultation

The Government wants to ensure the Act's settings contribute to mining that responsibly balances environmental, social, and economic considerations and meets the evolving needs of New Zealand's society.

The review is one of the actions the Government is undertaking to realise the vision in the recently released Resource Strategy.

Responsibly Delivering Value - A Minerals and Petroleum Strategy for Aotearoa New Zealand: 2019-2029

The Strategy's vision is of a world-leading environmentally and socially responsible minerals and petroleum sector that delivers affordable and secure resources, for the benefit of current and future New Zealanders.

The discussion document asks over 40 questions across eight chapters that cover the following topics: role and purpose of the CMA, balancing the rights, interests and activities of marine users, ensuring offshore petroleum permits contribute to a managed transition, community participation, Māori engagement and involvement in Crown minerals, compliance and enforcement, improving petroleum sector regulation and technical amendments.

Energy and Resources Minister Megan Woods intends to report back to Cabinet early next year with proposed amendments and new legislation is planned to be introduced in 2020.

Submissions close on 20 December.


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