Landmark stormwater consents decision

The Environment Court has granted Auckland Council a resource consent to improve the way it manages all stormwater discharges across the region to help protect the environment, people and property while improving water quality.

The consent, a landmark for local authorities in New Zealand, replaces 116 different consents.

“Tackling Auckland’s water quality challenge has been exacerbated by a fragmented approach and a patchwork of consents and authorisations. Many of them are out of date and out of step with current requirements, growth and development pressures to open up land for housing,” says Mayor Phil Goff.

“This new consent will replace the confusing and complex current consenting arrangement and will allow the council to deliver savings, efficiency, consistency and improved environmental performance while supporting growth.”

The scope of the consent, which was widely consulted on across mana whenua, community and environmental groups, developers, government and council partners, covers all discharges from the public stormwater network including for developments in future greenfield areas.


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