From Your President


Ngā mihi nui

The new National Committee held its first face to face meeting in Auckland last week.  It was great to come together in person and brainstorm ideas for the coming year.  Many thanks to Aecom for hosting us. All committee members were enthusiastic about volunteering to work on various portfolios of particular interest to them. This approach enables the National Committee to efficiently manage a considerable workload.

We have now signed off on RMLA’s strategic objectives for the 2019/2020 term. These are: active and influential participation in the resource management reforms; regional support and enhanced regional participation; support for Knowledge Hubs to enable more consistent and active engagement; and strengthening of, and support for, the Editorial and Publication Portfolio. All of RMLA’s strategic and constitutional information is available on our webpage.

In addition to these broad strategic aims, we will be continuing our focus on growing a more diverse membership. We will be undertaking a review of our membership package and developing some options to assist in reducing barriers to membership. A related issue is value for membership.

Some of the benefits RMLA membership provides are varied opportunities for engagement with other practitioners, and access to useful information relevant to our practices. The Knowledge Hubs and RMLA publications provide vehicles for delivering these benefits to members. We will be working on strengthening these over the coming year.

Over the next few weeks, we will be inviting you to get involved in a local RMLA event to discuss the Review Panel’s Issues and Options paper. All going to plan, this is due to be released today. Keep an eye out for an invitation coming your way soon.

Mauri mahi, mauri oraMary


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