National identifies Zero Carbon Bill changes

National has concerns with the Zero Carbon Bill as reported back and has outlined the changes they’d like to see.

Climate Change spokesperson Scott Simpson says they are seeking the following changes to the Zero Carbon Bill:

  1. That the target for biological methane reduction is recommended by the independent Climate Change Commission.
  2. That the Bill make clear the stated aim of the Paris Agreement is for greenhouse gas reduction to occur in a manner that does not threaten food production. Currently, the Bill cherry-picks from the Agreement.
  3. Strengthen provisions that consider the level of action being taken by other countries and allow targets to be adjusted to ensure we remain in step with the international community.
  4. That the Bill ensure the Commission consider economic impacts when providing advice on targets and emissions reductions.
  5. That the Bill ensure the Commission consider the appropriate use of forestry offsets, and have regard for the carbon sink represented by tree crops, riparian planting, and other farm biomass.
  6. That emissions budgets be split between biogenic methane and carbon dioxide as recommended by the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment.
  7. That the Bill includes a greater commitment to investment in innovation and research and development to find new solutions for reducing emissions.

Scott Simpson says “These changes would improve the Bill and ensure it is in line with National’s climate change principles of taking a pragmatic technological and science-based approach."


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