Auckland Council welcomes new waste management specification

An official New Zealand ecolabel specification supporting waste management companies to reduce the amount of construction and demolition (C&D) waste going to landfill has been launched

The specification, EC-59 C&D Waste Services, was developed by the New Zealand Ecolabelling Trust and included consultation with building industry players and experts.

Parul Sood, Auckland Council's Waste Solutions general manager says the specification is a step in the right direction.

“At the moment, turning C&D waste into resources is a missed economic opportunity. Creating this specification enables Auckland construction companies to confidently support C&D waste service providers who are using best practice to reduce waste."

"It’s another way that we can support a circular economy that re-uses resources and diverts construction waste from landfill. As C&D waste currently accounts for around half of Auckland’s total waste stream, it’s a great place to start in terms of making inroads into reducing our region’s waste.”


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