National voluntary emissions offset guidelines released

The Government has released New Zealand’s first national guidance for local businesses to voluntarily offset their emissions.

Minister for Climate Change James Shaw says “There is huge appetite in New Zealand to act on climate change and reach net zero carbon dioxide emissions as a country."

“It is going to take all of us, so I am really happy to announce consistent national guidelines that businesses can use to properly offset their emissions."

“The ambition of many New Zealand businesses to become carbon neutral has led to an increase in demand for voluntary emissions offsets. I am happy that today we are able to provide that."

“The guidance outlines steps and principles that should be met in order for a voluntary offset to be deemed credible."

“Importantly, the first steps to a credible, voluntary offset approach is to measure your emissions, then reduce them as much as practicable. Only after these steps have been undertaken should your remaining emissions be offset."

“The guidance has been designed in collaboration with both offsetting users and providers, including members of the Climate Leaders Coalition,” James Shaw said.

The guidance is available on the Ministry for the Environment website.


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