Green paper on hydrogen released

The Government is charting the way towards a more renewable energy system with the launch of a national vision for hydrogen.

Energy and Resources Minister Megan Woods says “Reducing carbon emissions from our energy use is one of the key ways we can fight the long term challenge of climate change. A Green Paper - A Vision for Hydrogen in New Zealand  - lays out the role hydrogen can play in New Zealand’s economy, and what we can do to accelerate its use."

“I consider green hydrogen as one of the potential tools that will help assist us to reduce global emissions."

“With hydrogen, we have opportunities to create new jobs, convert heavy transport away from fossil fuels, enhance our security of electricity supply and even generate significant export revenue."

“For a country blessed with abundant renewable energy, the ability to convert our clean electricity into green hydrogen which can fetch a premium on global markets is a major economic opportunity."

Submissions on the Green Paper close at 5pm on Friday 25 October 2019.


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