Government launches consultation on suite of environmental reforms

Public meetings will be held in more than 20 places over the next three weeks, to provide information and seek feedback on reforms to the way we manage our freshwater, elite soils, urban environment, waste and hazardous substances.

“Public meetings/hui will give New Zealanders a chance to have their say on the biggest programme of action to protect our environment since the introduction of the Resource Management Act in 1991,” Environment Minister David Parker said.

“There is a widely held view that central government has not provided enough national guidance under the RMA. These changes address that."

“We are delivering on our promise at the last election. The state of our rivers, lakes and wetlands are a top concern for New Zealanders. They want us to take action to stop the degradation and restore the health of our waterways."

“We need to start now. If we don’t, it will take longer, cost more and be harder to fix,” David Parker said.

“This is a big agenda, which includes a major review of the Resource Management Act.”

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