Stage 2 report on freshwater and geothermal resources released

The Waitangi Tribunal has released, in pre-publication format, its report on stage 2 of its inquiry into claims concerning freshwater and geothermal resources.

In May 2016, the Tribunal confirmed the following to be the focus of the Stage 2 inquiry:

1)    Is the current law in respect of fresh water and freshwater bodies consistent with the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi?

2)    Is the Crown’s freshwater reform package, including completed reforms, proposed reforms, and reform options, consistent with the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi?

  • To what extent do the completed reform package, proposed reforms, or reform options (including those proposed by the Crown in consultation) address Māori rights and interests in specific freshwater resources, as identified by the Tribunal in Stage 1?
  • Do the Crown’s completed reforms or proposed reforms or reform options omit to address Māori rights and interests? What, if any, limits in addressing Māori rights might be appropriate today in Treaty terms?
  • To the extent that Māori rights and interests are addressed, is the resultant recognition of those rights consistent with the principles of the Treaty?
  • To the extent that the Crown has omitted to address Māori rights and interests, or has addressed them adequately, what amendments or further reforms are required to ensure consistent with the principles of the Treaty?

Read the stage 2 report [PDF, 6.5 Mb]


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