Consultation on proposed product stewardship scheme

Regulated product stewardship would make producers responsible for specified problematic products at the end of life, and ensure the costs of proper waste management are paid by producers and consumers, not communities and the environment. This consultation will inform a framework for co-design of regulated product stewardship schemes and also determine which products are included.

The consultation document outlines the Government’s proposals for a co-design approach to establishing regulated product stewardship schemes for six priority products under the Waste Minimisation Act 2008. The overall intent of the proposals is to reduce the risk of harm from waste and increase economic and social benefits from a more circular use of resources.

The proposed six priority products are:

  • tyres
  • electrical and electronic products (e-waste)
  • refrigerants and other synthetic greenhouse gases
  • agrichemicals and their containers
  • farm plastics
  • packaging (beverage packaging, single-use plastic packaging).

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