Major boost for low emissions vehicles
Low emission transport in New Zealand will receive its largest boost so far.
Energy and Resources Minister Hon Megan Woods says that 29 low-emissions vehicle projects are bring granted funding through the latest round of the Government’s Low Emission’s Vehicles Contestable Fund.
“These grants will include $4.5 million of Government funding, matched by 12 million from the private sector. This the largest round of funding delivered so far, and shows how our smart investments in low emissions vehicles can unlock extra funding from the private sector."
“Smart investments like this are why under this Government the number of electric vehicles on our roads has nearly tripled. In October 2017, we had 5,363 registered EVs compared to 15,453 now."
“With transport making up 19% of our emissions, this is a key part of our plan to tackle climate change."
“The 29 projects range from increasing the number and availability of public charging stations to heavy electric truck trials."