From the President


Kia ora koutou

The stampede of requests for input has finally arrived.

We have had discussions with Justice Randerson on kicking off the RMA reform process and are working on feedback on the terms of reference, using the KnowledgeHubs for input. If you have comments to share and haven’t been in touch please send them through to Helen Andrews who is kindly helping co-ordinate our feedback.

We now have a draft National Policy Statement on Productive Soils to consider. We also have the promise of a new and improved National Policy Statement on Urban Development next week.

We also know that in the next few weeks the next steps in the much awaited freshwater programme will be announced. We have heard that there will be a new water regulator for drinking water, wastewater and stormwater and a new national environmental standard for wastewater discharges and overflows.

The Minister has been speaking about a new planning process for freshwater provisions. This could be introduced by amendments to the RMA or added to the Water Services Bill.

We haven’t been certain about the timing of the announcements all year, but I have my fingers quietly crossed that we’ll hear about the water announcements at our conference in Christchurch on 26 and 27 September. Even better if it is announced slightly beforehand so we can digest the changes and discuss them and all of the other proposals at the conference. We have a lot to debate. I recommend that you indicate your interest areas in our Knowledge Hubs, if you haven’t already. You can do that by contacting Karol Helmink at

It is also time for elections to our National Committee. My term as President is drawing to an end and, as always, there remains much to be done. From my discussions with people around the country, practitioners in public and private sector and Ministers and government officials, I know that our Association is highly valued and we achieve many benefits for our members.

To do that we need active members on our National Committee and Regional Committees with diverse views from all around the country, in big and small organisations and from all sectors impacted by the RMA. Please think about contributing. The deadline for nominations is 4pm today (Friday 16 August 2019).

Ngā mihi, na



Resource Management Review


Partial review of Conservation and National Parks policies