New alliance and strategy to back nature in northern South Island launched
A new alliance of councils, iwi and the Department of Conservation in the northern South Island and its strategy for working together across the region has been welcomed by the Minister of Conservation Eugenie Sage.
“The northern South Island is home to distinctive landscapes and special species such as the Powelliphanta snail (giant land snail), kawau/King shag, and Cook Strait tuatara which are found nowhere else in the world. They need the best support possible. The partnership and the collaborative working arrangements which the strategy encourages can help achieve better outcomes for nature.”
“Thousands of people are drawn to the stunning landscapes across the northern South Island each year. I congratulate the region’s councils, iwi and DOC on this new collective approach to restoring ecosystems to a naturally-functioning state and enabling native species within them to thrive."
“The northern South Island is a special place for New Zealanders and tourists alike with its beautiful beaches in Abel Tasman, complex cave systems, ancient rock formations, the scenic Buller Gorge, and dramatic Marlborough Sounds. I’m pleased this landscape-scale strategy will help protect these precious landscapes and the species within them for generations to come,” she says.