Government invests in clean energy centre

The Government will establish a clean energy centre in Taranaki to help lead New Zealand’s transition to a low carbon future.To tackle the long-term challenge of climate change, the Government will also invest in early-stage research into cutting edge energy production.Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says "The National New Energy Development centre will help create new business and jobs in Taranaki while helping New Zealand move towards clean, affordable, renewable energy and away from fossil fuels."“The centre will look at the full range of emerging clean energy options such as offshore wind, solar batteries, hydrogen and new forms of energy storage."“Our global confrontation with the changing climate requires us to face the long-term challenge of sustainably powering our economy over the next 30 years to ensure we are the best place in the world to live, to work, to raise a family and to get ahead."“For decades, Taranaki has been our top energy producing region and now, in the 21st century, the region can be a leader in clean energy as well. It’s well known that local businesses and workers already have the skills, experience and international links to support new developments in clean energy technology and infrastructure."


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