Commission adopts reorganisation scheme for West Coast combined district plan proposal

At its meeting on 23 May 2019, the Local Government Commission adopted a reorganisation scheme relating to the final proposal for the preparation of a combined West Coast district plan under the Resource Management Act 1991.

The reorganisation scheme completes the proposal for the transfer of council district plan-making responsibilities to the West Coast Regional Council and delegation to a joint committee comprising representatives of the four councils and local iwi responsible for approving a new combined West Coast district plan.

The contents of the reorganisation scheme were first agreed by a transition board with the same membership as the new joint committee. These related to detailed procedural matters such as meeting procedures for the joint committee, to be called Tai Poutini Plan Committee, and any subcommittees. The board then recommended adoption of the reorganisation scheme by the Local Government Commission.

An Order in Council will now give effect to the reorganisation scheme and allow the Tai Poutini Plan Committee to meet and commence work on the new combined district plan.

Read the West Coast reorganisation scheme


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