West Coast Te Tai o Poutini Conservation Management Strategy amendment
DOC is amending the CMS to ensure consistency with the new Paparoa National Park Management Plan 2017 and management of activities on the new Paparoa Great Walk, which is due to open to the public later this year.
The Director Operations for the Western South Island region, Mark Davies says, “The new Great Walk is an exciting and highly anticipated addition to the West Coast region. When it opens, we want to ensure people can make full use of it.”
The need to amend the CMS was signalled during the review of the Paparoa National Park Management Plan. The plan reflects the desire of the families of the 29 men who died in the Pike River Mine disaster to create the Great Walk as a memorial and to provide economic benefit to the West Coast community.
The plan was developed in partnership with Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu, Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Waewae, and the West Coast Tai Poutini Conservation Board with input from the community.
The draft CMS amendments and information about making a submission can be viewed here
The draft CMS amendments will be open for public submissions until 4pm Monday 20 May 2019.