Regional profile - Sarah Ongley

Tena koutou katoa,
I am Sarah Ongley, a Barrister sole and the Chair of the Taranaki Branch of the RMLA.

I have had a varied career, commencing at large law firms in Wellington, through to in-house roles in Central Government (Ministry for the Environment and DOC), local government (Auckland Council) and at an energy company.

I am now privileged to be involved across New Zealand in processes about how we manage our rivers, streams, lakes and wetlands. As I am sure that many of you working in this area would agree, this is extremely challenging, but always interesting.

In the beautiful Taranaki Region, we can surf and ski on the same day. Most of our members are very active people - a core group can be relied upon to liven up our local events.

As Chair of the Branch, I have enjoyed an extremely supportive and helpful Committee so I wish to thank both the Committee and Taranaki members for their ongoing support.


Update from President


New scheme targets greenhouse gases