EDS releases major report on resource management reform

EDS has released its report on phase 1 of its resource management reform project. The project takes a first-principles look at how New Zealand’s resource management system could be improved.

The 340-page synthesis report is the culmination of 18 months of research, thinking and engagement. It breaks the system down into themes rather than more traditional approaches targeting domains (eg water, air), spaces (eg urban, rural) or sectors (eg energy, agriculture).

The report examines key fundamental questions:

  • What do we have a resource management system for?
  • How do we see ourselves in relation to our natural and physical surroundings?
  • What roles should the system play in pursuing society’s aims?
  • What will the future require from our resource management system?

The report then moves on to examine how we design and arrange our legislation, institutions and opportunities for public involvement. It examines tools like regulations, plans, economic instruments and behavioural incentives.

Throughout, Māori issues and perspectives are integrated into the discussion. It looks at the whole system, not just the RMA.

Click here for more information on the project, and to download the synthesis report and working papers


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