Resource Management reform project: working paper 3 published

EDS has published the third in its series of working papers relating to its Reform of the Resource Management System.

Working Paper 3 considers:

  • Māori and a future resource management system: the Treaty, tikanga, ecosystem-based management and power sharing
  • The rationale for the system (when public intervention is appropriate)
  • The roles a future system needs to play
  • A framework for institutional design
  • Exploring the characteristics of resource management institutions
  • Institutions in a future system

The paper also touches on the operational features of a future system organised around the concept of "planning", and incorporates four think-pieces commissioned from external experts. Three concern the role of the economy and economic instruments, and one concerns compliance, monitoring, enforcement and evaluation.

Work on other operational features – plans, funding, permitting and behavioural incentives – is ongoing.

Read working paper 3

To view the other working papers and see more information on the project, visit the EDS website here.


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