Time to act on food security

Horticulture New Zealand says we cannot take for granted that our fruit and vegetable growers can continue to feed New Zealand, as well as generate increasing export returns to benefit the economy.

Deloitte has produced a report – New Zealand’s food story: The Pukekohe hub -  which looks at the economic contribution this growing area makes to Auckland and the wider country, and its role in feeding New Zealanders.

Although this report is focused on the Pukekohe hub, it is a proxy for many other towns and cities around New Zealand. The report has facts, figures, analysis and modelling to use in submissions to central and local government.

The Pukekohe hub is 3.8% of New Zealand’s vegetable and fruit growing area but produces 26% of the value. Pukekohe not only feeds Auckland, but at certain times during the year feeds New Zealand – this is because it is too cold, or perhaps too wet further south to grow some vegetables throughout the year.

The South Island supplies carrots and parsnips in the winter. We need growing to be spread around the country, so that our domestic vegetable supply can be year-round. Then, if one areas suffers very cold and very wet weather, or an adverse weather event, other growing areas, provided they are not similarly affected, can supply our vegetables.

Read a summary version of the Deloitte report here


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