Waikato Regional Council commits to reduction in greenhouse gas emissions

Waikato Regional Council is moving to a low carbon economy by reducing its carbon footprint and working with others to plan for the introduction of climate change legislation.

The council is a Certified Emissions Measurement and Reduction Scheme organisation – the first regional council, and one of only five councils in New Zealand, to receive certification.

To achieve certification, the council measured all operational emissions, including travel, fuel use, electricity consumption and waste during 2016/17.

In addition to its internal organisational activities, the council is also developing a Waikato Regional Climate Change Response Roadmap that will help inform community discussions about the issues and opportunities that a low emissions future will bring.

The Waikato climate change roadmap will include opportunities for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, many of which focus on land use changes that will also help improve water quality.

Read Council's emissions management and reduction plan


Ministers' outline expectations to the EPA


Te Waikoropupū Springs hearing restarts this month