Planning, commitment needed for electricity transformation

Transpower has released a report highlighting the challenges and opportunities inherent in transforming New Zealand’s energy sector in the face of technology innovation, growing demand and climate change.

Transpower’s ‘Te Mauri Hiko - Energy Futures’ report was developed by a diverse team of experts over the last seven months. It analyses a range of future energy scenarios, focusing on technology innovation, demand and supply shifts, increasing electrification of the economy and how to ensure security of supply.

Transpower believes electricity demand is likely to double by 2050. This belief is driven by their finding that increasing electrification of the transport fleet and industrial heat processes will represent the best use of available energy resources and emerging low-cost energy technologies—and is the most efficient way to decarbonise New Zealand’s economy.

Chief Executive, Alison Andrew said there would be fundamental challenges in realising the opportunities facing New Zealand, including meeting demand peaks, which would require careful planning to overcome.

To download a copy of the Te Mauri Hiko – Energy Futures whitepaper, visit


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