Public Notification of National Planning Standards

The Ministry for the Environment (MFE) is working towards public notification of the draft first set of National Planning Standards in June.At the same time a package of supporting materials will be released, which details the analysis that has informed the draft planning standards. Submissions will be open for 10 weeks. (This timeframe is subject to approval by Cabinet.)MFE is seeking detailed, evidence-based written submissions on how the draft planning standards will work in your local context and what support you will need to implement them.During the consultation period there will be a roadshow and a series of hui in regional centres across the country. MFE will also meet with council staff at each roadshow to discuss local context in detail.They recently released a paper providing an overview of the research and thinking about tangata whenua provisions in plans.The locations and dates of the seminars will be available shortly and promoted through the New Zealand Planning Institute, Resource Management Law Association and MFE communications channels.For more information,email


Consent to expand quarry granted


Withdrawal of Hurunui Waiau application by Forest & Bird welcomed