Submissions open on Tamarind's marine consent and marine discharge consent

Applications lodged by Tamarind Taranaki Limited (Tamarind) for marine consent and marine discharge consent were notified on Friday 4 May 2018.

The applications are for a marine consent to undertake sidetrack development drilling within the Tui field, offshore Taranaki, and for a marine discharge consent to discharge offshore processing drainage from deck drains aboard a drill rig.

View the public notice of the applications (pdf 219KB)

The public submission period runs for 30 working days from Friday 4 May 2018. Submissions on the application must be received by no later than 5.00pm on Monday 18 June 2018.

Full details about the application and how to make a submission can be found here

Further information is available by phoning 0800 222 510 or at


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