River water quality trends improve
The recently released National River Water Quality Trends (2007 – 2016) report reveals that for all river water quality parameters monitored over a 10 year period, more sites were improving than deteriorating.The trends analysis was led by Cawthron Institute Freshwater Group Manager and Ecologist, Dr Roger Young who described the overall picture as encouraging.However, there are still degrading sites which require investment in freshwater ecosystem management, routine monitoring, and further research and innovation.Compared with the 2015 report, there has been a noticeable change in the nitrogen trend, with significant progress in the number of improving sites compared with the number that are deteriorating.Environmental monitoring data from all of New Zealand’s Regional and Unitary Councils is available on the Land Air Water Aotearoa (LAWA) websiteClick here to read the National River Water Quality Trends (2007 – 2016) report