Hawkes Bay Water Conservation Order hearing to begin
Stage one of the Water Conservation Order (WCO) hearing for the Ngaruroro and Clive Rivers will begin on Tuesday 14 November 2017 at the Napier Conference Centre (48 Marine Parade, Napier). This stage relates to the upper Ngaruroro River above the Whanawhana cableway.Water Conservation Orders recognise the outstanding amenity or intrinsic values of a body of water and can be applied over rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, wetlands or aquifers and over freshwater or geothermal water. Rules for WCOs are set out in the Resource Management Act (1991).There are currently 15 WCO’s in force in New Zealand. If granted, the Ngaruroro and Clive Rivers WCO would be the first for around 10 years.The New Zealand Fish and Game Council, the Hawke’s Bay Fish and Game Council, Ngāti Hori ki Kohupatiki, Whitewater New Zealand, Jet Boating New Zealand, and the Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand have jointly applied to the Minister for the Environment for the order.For more information, help and guidance about the process please contact:Toll-free phone line: 0800 777 501Email: WCO.Ngaruroro@epa.govt.nzWebsite: Water Conservation Order: Ngaruroro and Clive Rivers