Ports of Auckland releases 30-year Master Plan

With plans to move the Port of Auckland now under consideration, Ports of Auckland has released a Master Plan to illustrate how it will manage the interim 30-year period.

The plan includes the automation of the container terminal; completion of a deep-water terminal berth, installation of three new cranes and extension of the Fergusson North Wharf; plans for rail infrastructure;  a new engineering facility, relocation of its head office and construction of a new hotel and park, among other things.

Ports of Auckland Chief Executive Tony Gibson says “Shifting a port takes time. Finding the best location, getting consent, securing funding and undertaking construction will take decades. In the meantime, we need to ensure that we can continue to deliver freight for our import and export customers, and to Aucklanders.”

Click here to view the Ports of Auckland Master Plan.


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