ChristChurch Cathedral to be reinstated

Minister supporting Greater Christchurch Regeneration Nicky Wagner announced on Saturday that the ChristChurch Cathedral will be reinstated. The Anglican Synod voted the same day in favour of the Government’s offer to support reinstatement.

The 225-member Synod considered three options:

Option A — reinstatement as per the Government offer, supported by Christchurch City Council;

Option B — constructing a new cathedral on the existing site; and

Option C — gifting the Cathedral building to the people of Christchurch and New Zealand.

Ms Wagner described Option A as having always been “our best shot at moving forward”.

She said preparations can now proceed with the appointment of members to an independent trust and setting up a joint venture to manage the project. She advised that more details will be released in the coming weeks.

For more information on the Government offer and reinstatement, visit:


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