Annual ETS reports now available

The Environmental Protection Authority has now published its annual reports on the Emissions Trading Scheme, or ETS.  New Zealand's balance of reported emissions for 2016 was 66,986,843 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tC02e).According to the Section 89 report, in 2016 New Zealand’s reported emissions increased by 3,833,521 tonnes of tC02e from the previous year, to a total of 78,051,289 tC02e.During the same reporting period, the forestry sector and other activities (i.e. producing a product with embedded substances; or exporting hydrofluorocarbons or perfluorocarbons), removed a combined total of 11,064,466 tC02e.The three reports are now available EPA’s website:

EPA publishes these reports to keep the general public informed about the operations of the ETS, and to meet its responsibilities under the Climate Change Response Act (2002). 


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