MfE releases NPS-UDC guidance
Guidance on how to give effect to the evidence and monitoring requirements of the National Policy Statement on Urban Development Capacity (NPS-UDC) has been published on the Ministry for the Environment’s website. You can find the guidance here: guidance includes:
- Part one: Introductory guide on evidence and monitoring
- Part two: Assessing demand and development capacity for housing
- Part three: Assessing demand and development capacity for business
- Part four: Business and housing interactions
- Part five: Monitoring market indicators
An open-source development feasibility spreadsheet model has also been released on the Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment website here: has been designed to assist councils to estimate how much of the development capacity enabled by their plans and infrastructure would be feasible (to a developer) to develop. This is required as part of the housing and business development capacity assessment under policy PB3c) of the NPS-UDC. Councils could use the model to undertake the assessment, or to inform the development of their own development feasibility model.