Nominations for the Environmental Legal Assistance Fund Advisory Panel

Nominations are currently being sought for a legal representative on the Environmental Legal Assistance Fund Advisory Panel.The Environmental Legal Assistance (ELA) Fund provides financial assistance to not-for-profit groups to advocate for an environmental issue in resource management cases being considered by the Environment Court, or a Board of Inquiry. Applications to the Fund are assessed by an independent panel of seven expert advisers who are appointed for their knowledge of environmental law, resource management issues and of community groups and iwi. The Minister for the Environment makes a final decision about whether to fund an application based on the recommendation of the Panel.It is desirable that candidates have the following competencies:

  •  Understanding of proceedings in the Environment Court
  •  Experience in actual Resource Management Act cases
  •  Up to date knowledge and experience of case law
  •  Preparation and presentation of material as an expert witness
  •  Involvement with environmental community groups
  •  Understanding of likely costs for a case/ hearing
  •  Experience of funding schemes
  •  Breadth of perspective (ie. primarily National or Local)
  •  Economics/Understanding of the Business Environment
  •  Experience in sitting on boards/panels

Please forward your nominations to by 5pm Friday 28 April 2017, including current curricula vitae and cover letters for any nominations. Consideration will be given to the composition of the Panel, including the mix of skills and backgrounds. 


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