RMLA Regional News : April 2015

Taranaki - Cam Twigley

In March we held a walking tour of the New Plymouth CBD to look at urban design issues in the city.  We had an interesting tour of an historic commercial building converted to an apartment, two civic spaces and a well-known pub with earthquake prone building requirements.  The tour was well attended by a range of planners, lawyers, architects, engineers and surveyors and there were many new faces which is always great to see.  The tour provided some food for thought especially with the District Plan due for review this year.  

Wellington - Nicky McIndoe / Maia Wikaira

Attendees at the first Wellington Branch event of 2015 enjoyed a night of swilling, quaffing and merriment at the joint RMLA / NZPI hosted Wine Tasting Event, organised and run by Hill Young Cooper Director, Mark St Clair. Competition was stiff, with the winners ultimately decided by a tiebreak question that was so challenging it was anyone’s game! Congratulations to the winning team, and thanks to Mark for a great event. Coming up on 28 April is a Young RMLA event on ‘The role of the Lawyer and Planner in hearings’. The event will feature a Panel discussion from special guests, including Environment Judge B P Dwyer, with drinks and nibbles to follow. 

Canterbury - Andy Carr

The Canterbury Branch AGM was held in early March.  Both Gerard Cleary and Daniel Murray stepped down as Chair and Secretary respectively, and members present expressed their thanks for their hard work and enthusiasm which they brought to the roles.  Both have agreed to stay on the committee. Sarah Eveleigh, Hans van der Wal and Michael Smith also retired from the committee and their inputs will be greatly missed.  The 2015/16 committee comprises Nicola Vryenhoek, Sophie Reese, Sarah Watson, Darran Humpheson, Philip Maw, Gerard Cleary and Daniel Murray, with Hannah Marks (Secretary), Michelle Mehlhopt (Treasurer) and Andy Carr (Chair).  The new committee has already met, and is already planning a number of events for the year including the biennial Tony Hearn Memorial Lecture.


Quality of professional work - Conditions of consent


RMLA President's Report : April 2015