RMLA Regional News - February 2015

Wellington - Nicky McIndoe/Maia Wikaira

The Wellington branch committee had its first meeting of the year this week, and has plenty of ideas to keep members busy over the coming year.  First up, we are planning a wine options evening to give members a chance to reconnect after the Christmas break.  More details for that will follow in a few weeks.   Also planned for 2015 are seminars for young RMLA members, and to discuss the proposed RMA amendments once more details have been released.

Bay of Plenty - Cushla Loomb

The BOP branch is holding its first committee meeting this week and will be setting the date for our AGM. Conference planning is proceeding on track.

Nelson/Marlborough - Antoinette Besier

The Nelson-Marlborough branch had a quiet end to 2014 but has launched itself into 2015 by starting to plan for the 2016 conference which is to be held in Nelson.  This will be the first time the RMLA conference will be held in Nelson! The branch has put together a group of enthusiastic organisers and we have recently met to discuss ideas for a conference theme, topics and field trips.  In addition to conference planning, the branch is keen to host a local event to learn more about the proposed RMA reform package and also to work with NZPI to jointly host events through out the year.

Queenstown / Central Otago - Jan Caunter/Graeme Todd

We held a very  successful  end of  year  social function at the Boatshed Café  at the historic  Boatshed development  on the shores of  Lake Wakatipu. 

There were some 65 attendees with RMLA members being  joined  by members of  NZILA and NZIA as well  as commissioners and staff from the Otago  Regional  Council who were in town conducting  a hearing. 

The function was also  a chance to  wish  branch  Committee member  and local planner Carey  Vivian all the best  for  his off road bike ride across the length of NZ on which  he embarks in the first  week of  February. Carey  is raising  money  for  Motor  Neurone disease research  due to his father  contracting that  disease. His  mammoth trek  can be  followed on www.raceagainsttime.co.nz  on which he has live tracking of his journey down the country  . Colleagues can arrange to  join Carey  on parts of his ride and also  sponsor him via  his website.


New Address for RMLA


RMLA President's Report - February 2015