RMLA Regional News : February 2014

Auckland : Kitt Littlejohn

For those of you who have only just stopped wearing jandles and shorts to work, you will be pleased to know that your Auckland Committee have been working day and night for some time preparing a schedule of topical, educational and inspirational events for your entertainment and edification in 2014.  For those members of the legal persuasion who now have compulsory annual homework in order to keep getting a practicing certificate – you will be overjoyed to learn that many of the events will be eligible for CPD points.  Make “increased attendance at RMLA events” one of your CPD plan objectives today!

Our first event for the year is on 6 March – gratefully hosted by Greg and his team at Kensington Swan.  Entitled “Snakes and Ladders  - SKILLS FOR WORKING WITH THE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PROFESSION” and presented by Ngaio Merrick, I’m sure spaces will fill up fast.  Register on-line today.

Young RMLA is back in full swing and has 4 functions planned for the year.  And our Auckland pilot mentoring programme will be rolled out again in the next few months.

Finally, for now, after a hard fought election campaign with several other committee members, I have retained my grip of power on the Auckland Branch Committee and will continue as its Chair for another year.  Feel free to email me your congratulations, and any suggestions/ideas for our programme for 2014.

Next report – after Auckland Unitary Plan submissions are in!

Bay of Plenty : Cushla Loomb

2013 ended in style for the Bay of Plenty branch of the RMLA with a joint NES Contaminated Land Open Forum and Christmas Social gathering, held on 10 December with about 40 in attendance. The presenters included Beca Senior Contaminated Land specialists and a case study presentation from local contaminated land specialist, Glen Nicholson from Tonkin & Taylor.  Kate Barry-Piceno paid tribute to Peter Frawley who sadly passed away this year and has been a valued contributor to the profession. A special thanks to Cooney Lees Morgan for hosting us all in their stylish offices and helped to make it a very successful event.

The branch will be looking to hold a number of exciting events during 2014 so stay tuned!

Canterbury : Gerard Cleary

The Canterbury Branch of the RMLA held its annual AGM at the HSBC Club Tower on 12 February 2014.  As most of our members are still scattered throughout the City in all sorts of strange nooks and crannies, the AGM provided another good opportunity to catch up with each other over a sociable drink or two.

Daniel Murray and Michelle Mehlhopt were re-elected to the positions of Secretary and Treasurer respectively. I have the privilege of replacing Andy Carr as Chair of the Canterbury Branch Committee and would like to thank Andy for the sterling job he has done at the helm over the last two years.  A number of long standing regulars on the Committee have stood down this year, in particular Amanda Douglas and David Caldwell. Their contribution to the Canterbury Branch over the last 10 plus years is very much appreciated.

The new Committee will get up and running very shortly with organising a local branch seminar. This year, the Committee will also look to build on the very successful launch in 2013 of our Young RMLA.


RMLA President's Report : February 2014


Judge David Kirkpatrick's swearing in speech