Resource Management Theory & Practice 2014 : Vol 10

The flagship RMLA journal Resource Management Theory & Practice will be published in March 2015. To celebrate the journal’s 10th year of publication, Volume 10 will focus on both key reforms and significant resource management issues that warrant debate as part of the reform agenda in terms of developing a coherent body of New Zealand environmental law.  

Papers to be published in Volume 10 will include:

  • Kevin Counsell & James Mellsop, ‘Quantifying benefits and costs under the amended section 32 of the Resource Management Act’;
  • Sian Elias, ‘Righting Environmental Justice’; 
  • Geoffrey Palmer, ‘The Resource Management Act - How we got it and what changes are being made to it’; 
  • Jacinta Ruru, ‘Indigenous restitution in settling water claims: the developing cultural and commercial redress opportunities in Aotearoa, New Zealand’;
  • Tim Solomon, ‘Public Participation and reforms to the RMA: understanding the complexities of urban residential intensification’; and 
  • Nicola Wheen, ‘How the Law Lets Down the 'Down-Under Dolphin': Fishing-related Mortality and the Law in NZ’.

Subscriptions for the journal are $39.95 for RMLA members including GST and postage and $110.00 including GST for non members. Please email Karol Helmink ( to subscribe. A limited stock of back volumes from previous years is also available.


RMLA President's Report - December 2013


RMLA Regional News - December 2013