Resource Management Theory & Practice
Have you purchased a copy of Resource Management Theory & Practice yet?
Resource Management Theory & Practice (Vol 1, 2005) reflects the significant events of 2005 - conclusion of the review of the Resource Management Act 1991 ('RMA') with enactment of the Resource Management Amendment Act 2005 and the first decision of the Supreme Court of New Zealand on provisions of the RMA
Vol 2 (2006) focuses on Urban and Regional Growth Strategies and reflects the papers given at the RMLA 2005 Conference in Christchurch and the current debate on these significant issues.
Vol 3 (2007) focusses on the papers given at the RMLA 2006 Conference in Auckland and the current debate on this significant issue.
Vol 4 (2008) focuses on Climate Change. It reflects the current debate on this significant issue both in New Zealand and Australia.
Vol 5 (2009) focuses on the impacts of socio-economic and scientific change on resource management - OUT OF STOCK
Vol 6 (2010) focuses on the challenges of environmental leadership in a national and local context.
Vol 7 (2011) focuses on freshwater and allocation - OUT OF STOCK
Vol 8 (2012) focuses on the developing jurisprudence of New Zealand environmental and resource management law and our place in the world; hei whakapae ururoa - OUT OF STOCK
Vol 9 (2013) focuses on the developing jurisprudence of New Zealand environmental and resource management law and the broad theme of risk,1 with a focus on better solutions for a more resilient world, and consideration of the role of environmental planning, policies and management across a variety of issues such as urban development, economic growth, tourism and oil exploration.
Vol 10 (2014) focuses on the ongoing debate about streamlining and simplifying resource management law, and the need to develop a coherent, systems based, body of law.
The subscription cost for RMLA members resident in New Zealand is $39.95 per year for the print copy. For non-members, subscription to the journal costs $110 per year (plus postage) for the print copy, and $275 for the online copy. Back volumes are available.
If you have not already done so, to purchase a copy of any or all of these publications, simply download and complete the order forms below (which includes the Contents of the Journal for your information) and return together with your cheque to RMLA, C/- 4 Shaw Way, Hillsborough, Auckland 1041.
RM Theory & Practice Purchase Order Form.doc
RM Theory & Practice Purchase Order Form Vol 2.doc
RM Theory & Practice Purchase Order Form Vol 3.doc
RM Theory & Practice Purchase Order Form Vol 4.doc
RM Theory & Practice Purchase Order Form Vol 5.doc - OUT OF STOCK
RM Theory & Practice Purchase Order Form Vol 6.doc
RM Theory & Pracitce Purchase Order Form Vol 7 - OUT OF STOCK
RM Theory & Practice Purchase Order Form Vol 8 - OUT OF STOCK
RM Theory & Practice Purchase Order Form Vol 9
RM Theory & Practice Purchase Order Form Vol 10