RMLA - Frontiers of Resource Management Law

Frontiers of Resource Management Law

Edited by Trevor Daya-Winterbottom, University of Waikato

Published by Thomson Reuters for the RMLA on 27 September 2012

Frontiers of Resource Management Law will bring together a collection of worldleading writing on environmental law from academics, judges and practitioners. Originally presented as keynote papers at RMLA annual conferences, this collection of papers charts significant developments in New Zealand law and practice.

From a comparative and transnational perspective the papers also demonstrate the importance of the RMLA annual conference as a catalyst for new multidisciplinary thinking about challenging environmental issues.

Publication of these keynote papers in 2012 also celebrates the RMLA 20th anniversary since its foundation in 1992. The book will be of interest to all practitioners, and will also be of interest for university students pursuing undergraduate and postgraduate environmental law courses.

To see the Contents and the Order Form, click here


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