Regional News - February 2012

Auckland - Rachel Devine

Happy New Year all.  Planning for 2012 has commenced, with our first event being drinks to celebrate the beginning of summer on 22 February.  Simpson Grierson is kindly hosting this event.  On 15 March the “Britomart Story” will be told, with a tour by Auckland Council and a presentation by Cooper & Co.  Registration information will be circulated soon.  Other ideas are also in the works.  For example, with Hon Dr Nick Smith helpfully combining ministerial roles we will be asking him to speak on whichever is most topical at the time he is available.  Both roles are likely to be of significant interest to our RMLA community.

The Young RMLA committee ran a very successful seminar about Insights from those working Inhouse in November last year.  Many positive proposals for the year have been identified, including a “meet the judiciary and Environment Court staff”.  If you are interested in hearing more about Young RMLA events in Auckland or you have new graduates who have joined your team who may benefit from these events, please provide Kate Reid at Simpson Grierson with your contact details.

Waikato - Lachlan Muldowney

After a very busy 2011, it was a quiet end to the year for the Waikato Branch with members recovering from the annual conference and electing instead not to have a Branch Christmas function. Special thanks goes out to retiring branch president Joan Forret for her outstanding contribution during her tenure, including of course her role in the success of last year’s annual conference. The Branch is now looking forward to everything that 2012 will bring. A programme of national road shows is currently being developed and members will be advised as soon as the details for the first road show for 2012 become available.

In addition to the national road shows, the Branch is developing a programme of additional presentations and workshops for the year. If you have a topic that you think will appeal to other members, we would like to hear from you. Please contact Lachlan Muldowney,

Taranaki - Cam Twigley

I have taken over from Lauren Wallace who has recently had a little boy and is on maternity leave – congratulations Lauren!  Lauren will be back with us in April.  The Taranaki Branch finished the year off in style with a tour of Mike’s Organic Brewery.  It was a very entertaining and informative tour where the finer points of organic brewing were shared by our host Ron.  Ron was obviously dedicated to the art of brewing beer and in his own words has multiple marriages to prove it.  The night was finished off by our very own Jacob Hechter serenading us with his six string and melodic voice while we sampled Ron’s fantastic beers.  In 2012 we are hoping to bring a few more events to the Naki as they are always well attended and received by our members.

Wellington - Angela Rego

The Wellington branch will meet in mid February to discuss and begin arranging our events and seminars for the coming year.  We also look forward to being a part of the national road-shows as well as hosting our own events.  We are always on the lookout for new members - particularly from councils - so please contact me if you are interested in joining the Branch and coming to our first meeting.

Angela Rego can be contacted on:
Phone: (04) 494 1083

Nelson - Shoshona Goodall

Welcome back to all members.  I trust you all had a relaxing break.

The Nelson branch is due to meet shortly and will discuss upcoming events for the year.  Our branch secretary Katie Benson has moved to Christchurch and we will be looking for more people to join the committee so please come along if you are interested.  Notice we go around shortly and I look forward to catching up with some of you then.

Queenstown/Central Otago - Rob Makgill

The Queenstown and Central Otago Branch farewell committee members Dr Mike Stevens and Brett Giddens and thank them both for their valuable contribution.  Thanks also to Mike for offering to step into the role of co-convenor for the RMLA’s 20th anniversary conference to be held in Queenstown from 27-29 September this year.  The committee warmly welcomes Jan Caunter as Mike’s replacement, who joins Jayne Macdonald in the role.

Brett will continue to assist the Branch with the production of our quarterly newsletter (next issue due early March).  Joining the branch committee are Alistair Porter, Russell Ibbotson and Graeme Todd.  We welcome these new members on board and look forward to their enthusiasm and experience in all matters RMA, particularly as we head into the planning and organisation for this year’s conference.

“Altitude with Attitude” is gearing up to be an exciting and inspiring conference with the local committee well underway with organisation of field trips and social events.   While the conference programme is some way off being finalised, Jayne and Jan’s invitation provides a taste of what’s in store.  Book your tickets now for a truly amazing weekend in Queenstown.


Centre for Environmental, Resources and Energy Law (CEREL)


Enhanced Policy Agility - Proposed Reform of the Resource Management Act