President's Report - December 2011
Dear Members
In my last report I mentioned the prospect of national responses to international economic trends and expectation for the use of our natural resources in the form of legislative, and policy changes. While the rest of the country has been focussing on the Rugby World Cup and the recent general election, the work on water management reforms and the RMA Phase two TAG has been continuing at pace.
The recent conclusion of Confidence and Supply agreements between the National Party and the United and Act Parties, remind us that this work supports significant elements of in the formation of the new government. As a result we can expect the current momentum of the reform process to be continued into the New Year.
While it is not the Association’s practise, nor indeed is it within its objects to become involved in the policy direction such national responses take, the workability of proposed changes is of interest to the Association and the National Committee will be taking a keen interest in the reforms. This will primarily be through the Legislation Committee members.
I am confident the wider membership will also be watching developments on this front with interest as well.
It was very encouraging to hear of the successful Bay of Plenty Branch end of year meeting in Tauranga which featured a presentation on the NZCPS. Judge Shonagh Kenderdine was the guest presenter and the meeting attracted over 60 people from around the Bay area and beyond. I wish the other regional branches equal success with any end of year functions you maybe planning.
As this is the last newsletter of 2011, I would like to reflect on what has been an extremely busy year for many of you and thank the many members who have positively contributed to the Association’s activities, including support of regional branch networking opportunities, attendance at the annual conference and also to those who have worked behind the scenes to make those events happen. The Association is in good heart as it goes into its 20th anniversary year and will continue the tradition of contributing meaningfully to the way we sustainably manage our natural and physical resources.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas, a safe holiday period and a very happy new year.
Blair Dickie
RMLA President